Premier Schizophrenia Treatment Clinic Serving Riverside & Corona, CA

Getting the right support can be life-changing. Take the first step by contacting Pacific Grove Hospital today.

Learn More About Schizophrenia Treatment

Learn more about schizophrenia treatment at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

Schizophrenia is a severe mental health disorder that requires lifelong care and treatment to control symptoms in order to allow you to live a normal, productive life. If you have schizophrenia, you may see or hear things that other people cannot. The voices in your head may tell you to do certain things or say mean things about other people that makes you distrust them. These voices feel very real to you, even though other people cannot hear them. You may have trouble in your relationships as you lose the ability to relate to others and going to work and school may become an impossibility. Your thoughts may be disorganized and your behavior may seem bizarre to others around you. Schizophrenia, while a common and chronic condition, doesn’t have to define your life anymore. With proper treatment, therapies, and ongoing support, you can learn the skills needed to live the life you want.

At Pacific Grove Hospital, we have a premier 68-bed treatment center near Riverside & Corona, CA, dedicated to treating people who have schizophrenia and other types of mental health disorders. Our staff has proudly helped many men and women over the age of 18, who have schizophrenia, successfully develop the skills and abilities to function in society and control the symptoms of your disorder. Our serene, home-like environment is the perfect setting for you to begin on the road to recovery.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for schizophrenia

The love and support of family and loved ones plays a tremendous role in recovery from schizophrenia. If your loved one has schizophrenia, you may be at a loss for how to help them recover. The delusions he or she has may involve things that he or she believes even in the presence of contradictory information, which can be tremendously stressful. You may struggle with feelings of anger, frustration, sadness, and guilt about your loved one’s schizophrenia. Coping with a family member or loved one who has schizophrenia can be hugely difficult and overwhelming, but you can be a pivotal part of his or her recovery. Here are some tips for helping your loved one with schizophrenia seek treatment:

Deal with your feelings: You’re probably faced with a number of contradictory feelings – fear, guilt, anger, sadness, hopelessness, and frustration. It can be very hard to accept that your loved one has schizophrenia. In order to best help your loved one, you must accept the difficulties of his or her illness. Make sure that you are realistic in your expectations of yourself and your loved one.

Take care of yourself: It’s much easier to deal with the realities of schizophrenia when you have a support system. Find a support group (local hospitals can usually connect you to these groups) and attend the meetings. Make time each day for yourself doing something you love and don’t neglect your physical health. Cultivate meaningful relationships with others who can support you during this time.

Encourage treatment: The best way to help a loved one with schizophrenia is to get him or her in treatment and help them stick with it. Provide him or her options for treatment centers that specialize in schizophrenia and go with him or her to the intake appointment. Reassure your loved one that you will be there for him or her through the whole process.

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for schizophrenia at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

If you have schizophrenia, you may be consumed by hallucinations which look, smell, and feel very real to you. It can be confusing and frustrating when other people don’t experience the same things. Life with schizophrenia may have gotten so hard that you’re using alcohol or drugs to alleviate some of the symptoms you experience. You may be unable to hold down a job or go to school, leaving you to depend on others to help care for you. You may have gotten so depressed and hopeless that you’re considering ending your life. It doesn’t have to be this way – with proper treatment, support, medications, and ongoing support, you can recover and lead a happy, normal life.

An inpatient treatment center is the ideal way to begin the recovery journey for people with schizophrenia. In an inpatient clinic, you’ll learn the tools you need to cope with the symptoms that the medications don’t alleviate. You’ll work closely with your treatment team to ensure your medications are properly working and adjust them as needed. Inpatient treatment centers allow you to get away from the stresses and pressures of your daily life and focus upon what matters most – recovery.

Our Philosophy

Pacific Grove Hospital philosophy and treatment benefits

At our clinic, we provide a serene healing environment for those who come to us facing mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and chemical dependency. We use a whole person approach to care, which not only enables our clients to find a place of peace and hope, but also to learn to balance all areas of their lives. Not only does this allow our clients to experience a successful treatment journey, but it also provides and equips each person we treat to lead a changed life following treatment. Our unique approach offers a transformative healing experience that empowers our clients to lead the course of their own treatment and rehab.

Types of Treatment

Types of schizophrenia treatment offered at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

When you come to our clinic for treatment of schizophrenia, you’ll first undergo a number of assessments that will allow us to gain a better picture of the struggles you face. The medical evaluation will diagnose any existing physical complications or reasons for your symptoms as well as determine if there are any drugs or alcohol in your system. The psychiatric examination will help us to diagnose any co-occurring, co-morbid mental health disorders. We will take the results of your assessments and sit down with you and your loved ones to create a plan of care for your stay with us that meets all of your needs.

Medication is the cornerstone of treatment for schizophrenia. As schizophrenia is thought to have thought, mood, and anxiety disorder components, the treatment tends to include a combination of anti-psychotic, antidepressant, and anti-anxiety medications. Medication will be closely monitored by your treatment team at our center and adjusted as needed.

Individual therapy allows you one-on-one time with a therapist who can help you in a number of ways. Individual therapy at our clinic can help you to learn the needed social skills to function in society, support your recovery goals, and offer advice, reassurance, education, and reality testing to help you on your path to healing.

Group therapy can help you bond with other people struggling with similar struggles and help you learn appropriate social skills. Groups at our treatment center will focus upon real-life plans, problems you’re facing, relationship challenges, compliance with medication and long-term therapy, as well as practical work and social roles.

Family therapy is vital for people with schizophrenia as the illness puts a major strain on the entire family unit. Family therapy can greatly decrease relapse rates to below 10 percent, as opposed to the standard 50 to 60 percent. Family sessions at our clinic will encourage open lines of communication, discussion to identify and treat specific problems, and allow loved ones to play an active role in your recovery. Family support is vital during your recovery to ensure adherence to a treatment plan.

As we are a holistic treatment center, our clinic offers a number of experiential treatment approaches designed to heal the whole person. These may include:

  • Art
  • Yoga
  • Ceramics
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Recreational therapy
  • Expressive therapy

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for schizophrenia

As your time at our treatment center draws to a close, you and your loved ones will sit down with one of our specialized therapists to create an aftercare plan that meets all of your ongoing care needs. We can help you find a stable place to live, should you need shelter, and work with you to locate gainful employment as well. Some people may opt to join a residential program following their stay at our clinic, allowing for similar structure that allows for continued healing. Other people may step down from inpatient treatment into one of our intense outpatient treatment options. We offer a partial hospitalization program (PHP) and an intensive outpatient program (IOP) which offer you the ability to work on your recovery during the day while slowly reintegrating into your home and community. Other people may find they’ve made enough progress at our inpatient treatment center to return home with referrals to traditional outpatient therapy and available community resources.

Unsure of the help you need?

Pacific Grove Hospital changed my life. I struggled with major depression, severe social anxiety, and a panic disorder for several years, and I had hit rock bottom. I didn't think I would last the year. Coming here was the best decision I could have possibly made. I entered that program I depressed, sad, lonely person and came out a functioning, successful, happy adult.

– Kristen E.
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