Premier Bipolar Disorder Treatment Clinic Serving Riverside & Corona, CA

Pacific Grove Hospital is a premier 68-bed treatment center near Riverside & Corona, CA, dedicated to treating people who struggle with bipolar disorder and other types of mental health disorders.

Learn More About Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Learn more about bipolar disorder treatment at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health disorder characterized by tremendous changes in mood that range from the deepest lows of depression to the highs of mania. During a manic cycle, people with bipolar disorder may talk very fast, jumping from one topic to another, need little sleep, and are easily distracted. Symptoms of mania may make a person feel invincible, which may cause them to engage in a number of risk-taking behaviors they would otherwise not engage in. On the other end of bipolar disorder, people in a depressive cycle experience an extended period of feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. During the depressive cycle, affected individuals have no interest engaging in the world around them, have problems concentrating, and may even experience thoughts of suicide. Mixed bipolar episodes occur when the symptoms of depression and mania occur at the same time, which can be extremely dangerous.

At Pacific Grove Hospital, we understand that the decision to enter a treatment clinic can be scary; we consider it a privilege to be a part of your healing process. We know that struggling with the ups and downs of bipolar disorder is a constant battle that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. No matter the type of bipolar disorder you are struggling with, the compassionate staff at Pacific Grove can help you get your symptoms under control so that you can get back to living your life.

How to Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one get treatment for bipolar disorder

Having a loved one diagnosed with bipolar disorder can be extremely difficult as their moods and behaviors affect everyone around them. When your loved one is going through a manic phase you are left to cope with the angry outbursts, outrageous demands, and consequences of reckless behavior. During a depressive phase, loved ones may have to pick up the slack to cover the responsibilities at home.

The good news is that with help from a treatment center, your loved one can get his or her moods under control and lead a successful life. However, you may be at a loss for what you can do to help during the recovery process. Below are some ways in which you can help your loved one with the recovery process:

  • Learn about bipolar disorder
  • Encourage your loved one to get help
  • Be understanding
  • Be patient

The most important thing you can do is be there for your loved one throughout the recovery process. Those with bipolar disorder are able to get much more out of treatment when they have the support of their friends and family. People in recovery from bipolar disorder who have supportive loved ones that actively participate in the recovery process recover more quickly, experience fewer mood cycles, and have milder symptoms.

It’s important to remember that having a loved one with bipolar disorder can cause extreme tension and stress among family members. If you do not take the time to cope with the emotions surrounding your loved one’s disorder, you may end up frustrated and angry. Here are some tips for coping with bipolar disorder in the family:

  • Accept your loved one’s limits
  • Accept your own limits
  • Reduce stress
  • Communicate openly

Why Consider Treatment

Why consider treatment for bipolar disorder at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

The severe symptoms of bipolar disorder impact an individual’s life in a number of different ways. The extreme moods swings and erratic behavior can result in damaged relationships, poor performance at work or in school, and the inability to properly engage in social situations. In severe cases, bipolar disorder can lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts. While bipolar disorder is incurable, there are many ways in which symptoms and mood swings can be controlled.

As bipolar disorder is a lifelong disorder, an inpatient treatment program is often one of the most effective forms of treatment. An inpatient program allows you to work closely with a team of mental health professionals so you can openly address your concerns. Through inpatient therapy, you’ll work to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that aims to reduce symptoms, restore your ability to function, fix problems caused by the illness, and reduce the likelihood of recurrence.

Our Philosophy

Pacific Grove Hospital philosophy and treatment benefits

At Pacific Grove Hospital, our patients are not here for a quick fix— they’re a part of their own recovery process. We help to empower our patients by explaining the full treatment plan, ensuring they understand what is happening to them so they are active members of the recovery process. We focus upon treating the whole person rather than the presenting symptoms. Our center believes this approach better equips clients to handle all aspects of their recovery and allows them to be successful in rebuilding their lives. Finally, we incorporate the family into the whole treatment and recovery plan in order to surround the patient with an informed support network.

Types of Treatment

Types of bipolar disorder treatment offered at Pacific Grove Hospital in Riverside, CA

Pacific Grove is a full service hospital and our staff is dedicated to making your stay a transformative experience that provides you with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to pursue a healthier, more fulfilling life. Upon arrival at our clinic, located convenient to Riverside & Corona, CA, you will be greeted by our front office personal who will be able to answer any questions and address any pre-admission concerns. Our highly trained clinicians will meet with you in a safe, non-judgmental environment to assess your needs and determine the most appropriate level of care. The results of you assessment will be used to help your treatment team develop a plan of care for your stay. The most common treatment we use for people with bipolar disorder is a combination of medication and therapeutic approaches.

Medication management: Most men and women with bipolar disorder need medication to reduce symptoms. When used on a long-term basis, medication can help reduce the frequency and severity of mood episodes and, in some cases, prevent them. Medication such as mood stabilizers, anti-depressants, or antipsychotics may be included in your treatment plan.

Individual therapy: Individual sessions can be used to examine how your thoughts affect your emotions and ways to change negative thought patterns and behaviors into more positive ways of responding to the environment around you. The main focus of individual sessions for bipolar disorder is centered upon managing symptoms, avoiding triggers, and problem-solving strategies.

Group therapy: Different groups are held multiple times each day and cover a wide range of topics. Through group sessions, you’ll connect with other people as you learn better communication strategies, assertiveness, empowerment, and what to expect at discharge.

Family therapy: Family therapy is held each Sunday and allows you to meet with your loved ones and address some issues of concern in the family dynamic. Family members will have a chance to learn more about bipolar disorder, the recovery process, and how they can best be of support. In addition to family therapy, we offer regular visitation.

As our treatment clinic’s approach is centered upon treating the whole person, we offer a number of experiential programs including:

  • Art
  • Ceramics
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Recreational therapist
  • Expressive therapy

Continuing Care

Continuing care and levels of treatment for bipolar disorder

Discharge planning begins the day you arrive at our treatment clinic so we can ensure that there is a plan of care in place when it’s time for you to leave our doors. As discharge approaches, you’ll meet with a therapist who will connect you with resources in the community. Our staff will help find you a place to live and can help secure a place of employment. We will do everything we can to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.

At Pacific Grove, we offer several step-down options that have been very beneficial to patients discharging from our inpatient treatment program who are not quite ready for traditional outpatient therapy. Our partial hospitalization program (PHP) is held Monday through Friday from 8AM until 3PM and includes individual, group, and family therapy as well as education. Individuals in our PHP receive treatment during the day and return home in the evening, which allows a slow integration from our clinic back into their community. Additionally, we have an intensive outpatient program (IOP) similar to our PHP, but held three days a week. Finally, some clients have made enough progress in our inpatient program that they are ready to return home with referrals to traditional outpatient therapy and community resources.

Unsure of the help you need?

Pacific Grove Hospital changed my life. I struggled with major depression, severe social anxiety, and a panic disorder for several years, and I had hit rock bottom. I didn't think I would last the year. Coming here was the best decision I could have possibly made. I entered that program I depressed, sad, lonely person and came out a functioning, successful, happy adult.

– Kristen E.
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