Our Patient Financial Resources

This website is designed primarily as a resource for you to obtain pricing estimates for our mental health and substance abuse hospital services.

We hope that through this and the other information we provide here, you can make more informed choices about your healthcare and have a better understanding of your financial obligations when you visit our facility.

For Your Information

Our hospital is pleased to provide information to consumers related to the financial side of your healthcare needs.

Here at this site, our patients can find out about:

  • Obtaining a pricing estimate for our healthcare services
  • Payment options and alternatives available to patients without healthcare coverage
  • Contact information to call us directly for a pricing estimate
  • Paying your outstanding hospital bill online
  • Other bills you might receive for services besides your hospital bill
  • How our billing process works

Charity Discount Policy

Charity discount policy for mental health treatment

Pacific Grove Hospital has a Charity Discount Policy that provides free or discounted hospital care for patients who have received non-elective care. Discounts are granted to patients based on capacity to pay estimated liability. In order to qualify for this free/discounted care, you must complete a Financial Assistance Application and provide some documentation to support your income and financial need.

Payment at Time of Service

Similar to your visits to your physician’s office, we will ask you for your copayment, coinsurance and/or deductible payment at time of your services based on your specific insurance benefits. We accept major credit cards, checks, money orders and cash.

Your Hospital Bill

Understanding your hospital bill

This is how our billing process usually works. A claim will be sent to your insurance company shortly after your services are complete.

After your insurance company receives the claim, the insurance company may contact you for additional information. Please respond to your insurance company’s questions as quickly as possible so their payment to us is not delayed.

It usually takes 30 – 45 days for your insurance company to pay your claim. After your insurance company pays us, we will provide you with information about any amount you may still owe.

Please keep in mind that your policy is a binder between you and your insurance company. If you did not follow your insurance plan’s terms, they may not pay for all or part of your care.


Making payments for services

Similar to your visits to your physician’s office, we expect payment at time of service. If you are ineligible for Charity and cannot pay your entire estimated bill, we will work with you to set up monthly payment arrangements. If, after your services are received, any additional payment is due, we will send you information about any amount you may still owe. We accept major credit cards, checks, money orders, and cash.

Unsure of the help you need?

My son was admitted here and through the care, compassion & medical treatment he has been clean & sober. Because of this facility, he is alive and very happy. We are all grateful that he went to Pacific Grove Hospital.

– Cindy A.
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